vendredi 28 août 2009

The future of your mobile phone: Know that your cell phone will be after 2010

These days, the mobile phone has become an integral part of most of our lives. In fact, it has become extremely difficult to imagine life without cell phones. We all know that with a mobile phone, it is easy to stay connected with loved one, even from a remote location. Everything you need to do is dial a phone number. The use of a cellophane is not limited to obtaining connect to a loved one. There are several other things that small mobile communication device is capable of. You can click on the photographs, make videos, download music, listen to songs, play games, send messages, pictures, videos, watch movies, listen to the latest news, calculating, use as alarm clock, currency converter and much more.

Now, with the greater your mobile phone can do today, can you imagine what services it will in the future? It is absolutely impossible to predict what a cell phone will be in 2010.

If you are curious about the qualities to be integrated into a cell phone in 2010, here are some important clues.

Eight things your phone will be able to do after 2010.

a) Wallet
The latest technology called "Near-Field Communication or NC has the power to transform an ordinary cell phone credit card or debit card. If you want to pay for purchases via a chip embedded in the NC, all you need to do is put a phone on a sensitive area for the object or keep it at a distance of several centimeters of NC. The money will be withdrawn from bank account, credit or deposit on an immediate basis.
B) Internet
Now you do not need to sit near a PC or a cyber-tour area to connect to the Internet. You can easily access the Internet via your mobile phone. The phones provide HTML browsers in order to facilitate the use of WAP sites.
c) Publication
Federal Commission of Communications, the United States predicts that most mobile operators could determine the location of people when they ask for help on 911. This will be possible with the help of Global Positioning System or GPS.
d) Mobile Search
Mobile search engines have become an integral part of all mobile phones by 2010. You can easily access search engines directly from the main screen of the user interface.
e) The TV
Now Mobile TV is available on the cell phone screen. According to IMS Research about 30 million mobile users will actively use mobile TV services in the United States in the next three years.
f) improved ergonomics
With the launch of the Apple iPhone on the consumer market will now experience improved ergonomics and usability on their mobile phones.
g) GSM Base Station
Most people find it difficult to make their mobile work perfectly inside a room. In 2010, this problem will be extinguished.
h) intelligent networks
Today many phones support the various network standards. This allows owners to travel freely with one device in their pocket.

By 2010, all mobile phones come with modules integrated Wi-Fi that automatically connect to almost all access points.

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